Plastic Free Gangasagar – Clean Gangasagar

 An Awareness Drive by HRDP Parivartan in Gangasagar Mela Gangasagar Mela- has remained an annual pilgrimage of religious belief since ages take place during Makara Sankranti (tentatively on 14th January) every year. More than 40 lakhs people from across the globe gather at Gangasagar in Sagar block of Sundarbans – the southernmost point of West… Continue reading Plastic Free Gangasagar – Clean Gangasagar

Training workshop on Animal Husbandry among Women’s Self-Help Group

The training program on animal husbandry is a crucial initiative aimed at imparting knowledge and skills to individuals engaged in the care and management of livestock. On 22nd December 2023, a comprehensive training program was held at the Atalia Resource Center in Shimurali Gram Panchayat, Nadia District, to empower 68 women from various Self-Help Groups… Continue reading Training workshop on Animal Husbandry among Women’s Self-Help Group

Training Program Report: Agriculture and Fishery Training for Farmers

Agriculture training programme with farmer’s group represents an essential initiative aimed at empowering and enhancing the agricultural practices of local farming communities. On 21st December 2023, a transformative training program was held at the Atalia Resource Center in Shimurali Gram of Nadia District, involving 91 farmers from five villages, i.e. Narapatipara, Rameswarpur, Atalia, Kumarpur and… Continue reading Training Program Report: Agriculture and Fishery Training for Farmers

Environmental Sustainability through Promoting Renewable Energy

In 2023, Sabuj Sangha implemented the solar panel installation project at Kalinagar High School, Krishnanagar Municipality of Nadia District. With the objective of restoring power supply, utilizing renewable energy sources, and lowering carbon emissions at the school for uninterrupted learning, we have installed the solar panel so that it can significantly reduce electricity costs for… Continue reading Environmental Sustainability through Promoting Renewable Energy

Holistic Rural Development Programme (HRDP)

Holistic Rural Development Programme (HRDP) Staff Capacity Building Programme Nandakumarpur Knowledge Campus, Mathurapur-II, South 24 Parganas Date: 23rd to 25th November 2023 A three day long Staff Capacity Building Training was held from 23rd to 25th November 2023 at Nandakumarpur Knowledge Campus, Mathurapur-II, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal.  All the project staff, numbering total 23… Continue reading Holistic Rural Development Programme (HRDP)