Digital Sakhi: Empowering Rural Women Through Digital Literacy

In the heart of rural India, where challenges often outweigh opportunities, a beacon of hope shines brightly – the Digital Sakhi program. Launched in November 2019 in East Midnapore district of West Bengal, this initiative aims to empower rural women with digital literacy and financial inclusion.

The term ‘Digital Sakhi’ encapsulates the essence of the program. A Digital Sakhi is a rural woman equipped with digital skills, who becomes a catalyst for change in her community. By imparting digital financial literacy training to fellow villagers, she encourages them to embrace digital transactions, thereby enhancing their financial independence.

Tanushree Bera: A Digital Sakhi’s Journey

Tanushree Bera’s story is a testament to the transformative power of the Digital Sakhi program. Hailing from a conservative rural family, Tanushree’s life was circumscribed by societal expectations. Marriage further restricted her world, confining her to domestic chores. Yet, an unyielding spirit and a thirst for knowledge persisted.

The Digital Sakhi program offered Tanushree a lifeline. Through rigorous training, she acquired skills in digital financial literacy, financial management, and government schemes. This newfound knowledge ignited a spark within her, propelling her to explore new horizons.

Together with her husband, Tanushree ventured into agriculture, transforming a small plot of land into a thriving farm. Her journey didn’t stop there. She became a Village Resource Person (VRP), bridging the gap between her community and government initiatives.

Today, Tanushree is a beacon of inspiration. She earns a respectable income, has empowered her family, and is a role model for countless women. Her story is a living testament to the potential of rural women when equipped with the right tools and opportunities.

The Digital Sakhi program, through individuals like Tanushree, is not just about imparting digital skills; it’s about igniting a spark of confidence, independence, and leadership. It’s about creating a ripple effect, where empowered women become agents of change in their communities. As more and more women become Digital Sakhis, the landscape of rural India is gradually transforming, one village at a time.