Digital Sakhi making waves at District-Level Stakeholders Workshop in Murshidabad District, WB

A district-level stakeholders workshop has been organized with 100 Digital Sakhis in Murshidabad District, WB. The event was graced by Ms. Apurva Rathod, Company Secretary & Head of Sustainability at L&T Finance, Dr. Sukanta Saha, PD-DRDC & Addl. District Mission Director, Mr. P. Promoth, Addl. District Magistrate(LR), and Mr. Anshuman Das, The Director of Sabuj Sangha. Special guests included 6 members from the L&T Finance Business Team and 6 persons from the Community Advisory Panel. The workshop focused on empowering women through digitization and emphasized the importance of sustainability with stakeholder support. The Digital Sakhis enthusiastically shared their experiences, making the program insightful and impactful.