From Struggle to Success: Durga Rani Hazra’s Agricultural Journey

In the heart of the Sundarbans region of West Bengal, a remarkable transformation has taken place. Durga Rani Hazra, a 52-year-old farmer from Bankimnagar village on Sagar Island, has overcome tremendous odds to become a symbol of rural empowerment and sustainable agriculture.


The Challenge

Durga Rani’s family of six faced numerous hardships. With an elderly husband unable to work and limited income from day labor, poverty seemed unshakeable. Their small 0.83-acre plot of land, damaged by saltwater intrusion, offered little hope for a better future.


The Turning Point

In 2022, the ‘Parivartan’ project, a collaborative effort by HDFC Bank, Sabuj Sangha, and the local Gram Panchayat, became Durga Rani’s lifeline. This initiative provided:

* Financial assistance for agriculture

* Training in modern farming techniques

* Support for organic farming practices

* Help in setting up a vermicompost pit

* Assistance in purchasing a water pump for irrigation


The Transformation

Armed with new knowledge and resources, Durga Rani set to work. She prepared her land, started vegetable farming, and began producing organic fertilizer. The results were astounding.


Today, Durga Rani earns approximately ₹6000 per month from selling vegetables and organic fertilizer. This income has been transformative:

* Her family’s nutritional needs are met

* She can support her children’s education

* Surplus produce is sold in the market

* The family is no longer trapped in poverty



In Durga Rani’s Words

“I sincerely thank Sabuj Sangha and HDFC Bank for standing by me and my family,” says Durga Rani. “They provided help during our bad times, allowing me to earn through cultivation. Learning to make organic fertilizer has been especially beneficial, both economically and for maintaining soil fertility.”


The Bigger Picture

Durga Rani’s success story illustrates the power of targeted support in rural communities. It shows how:

* Empowering women farmers can strengthen entire families

* Organic farming practices contribute to both economic and environmental sustainability

* Public-private partnerships can create significant positive impact in rural areas


As Durga Rani continues her journey, her story serves as an inspiration for rural communities across India. It’s a powerful reminder that with the right support and determination, it’s possible to transform lives and create a sustainable future.