ToT on Digital Financial Literacy:

Digital technologies play a key role in financial inclusion, as demonstrated by the meteoric rise of mobile money across emerging markets in recent years.  Sabuj Sangha is working towards developing equal rights and opportunities in the field of digital & finance literacy, enterprise development, better livelihood options with special thrust on marginalized community including Sagar block, South 24 Parganas district in West Bengal.

With the view to consorting with the Digitalization of India  a three day ToT course was organized at Agricultural Resource Center, Sumatinagar, Sagar from 28th to 30th April 2023 viz. Digital Financial Literacy (DFL).  The course included application of digital literacy and financial literacy to enable the use of digital financial services which is increasingly being seen as the solution for addressing rural community limited use of Digital Financial Services (DFS). Total 22 staff members of Sagar Unit participated in the training who will be active in percolating the message in the village community level.