Ehtesham RahmanÆ

Ehtesham Rahman is a 19 years old charming girl living with her family at a small slum pocket area of Metiabruz location; they are belonging to a very vulnerable situation in their locality. When Ehtesham was in X standard she had dropout due to the financial problem of her family, unfortunately that time her father… Continue reading Ehtesham RahmanÆ

Kasif Iqbal

Kasif Iqbal is a young man of 21 years live with his parents and siblings in a small pocket area of Metiabruz slum in Ward No. 135 of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC). He has faced many hard challenges since his childhood which made him industrious and hard working. His father works as shop keeper in… Continue reading Kasif Iqbal

Kulsum Khatoon

Kulsum Khatoon is a 20 years old girl living in a small promiscuous slum in Kamarhati area, her family belong to a very poor condition, her father is a daily labour and earning 4000 R.s per month. Kulsum had drop out when she was in 12thstandard because of the financial crisis of her family and… Continue reading Kulsum Khatoon